Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Time for my Anatomy Scan- and Hopefully Off Bedrest!

Well the time had come for my Anatomy Scan on Tuesday Nov 9th-- I was 19w4d.  I was hoping for good news.  The best part of the day- getting to put real clothes on (as much as I love sweats and all) doing my make-up and shit, I even curled my hair a bit too!

We dropped off Jacob at Daycare, picked up some Panera, and off we went.  What I love about the MFM (high risk OB) is that they get you in right away- no waiting!  So they took my blood pressure and I must have been excited to be there cuz it was 155/70!  So they took it again and it was 159/70...not good...

Well the tech came in and did the anatomy scan and we got to see our peanut once again.  He must have been excited for us cuz he was waving and pointing at us.  At this time I also got to see that my blood clot was covering my cervix.  This was news to me- I knew I had one but didnt know it was also at the opening of my cervix.  Double Whammy! BANG!  We also got to see the proud little fella showing off himself as well.  Oh Lord another Boy....God help me!! :)  These boys will eat me out of house and home!

Well the Doctor came in finally and told me that since the blood clot is also low lying- it is highly likely that I will have a c-section- AWESOME!  I also got hit with the news that they want me on bedrest another week just to be sure.... GREAT.... Positive side was that I could do more now (like driving, going out for an errand or 2, and sitting up).

But bedrest another week.....well that just sucks.

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