Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why so many posts on Nov. 9th you ask?

So I guess you are wondering, why so many posts today.... well i couldn't bore you with a super huge post explaining "everything"...you would have stopped reading 5 mins ago... Since I just started it today, a week after my confinement started, I figured I would break it up for ease of reading...so how nice I can be sometimes :).

Where were we...oh yeah Day 2 of Confinement.... So Thursday Nov 4th, I am released from the hospital, with the dreaded bed rest guidelines, and told- we will see how you are next Tuesday for you Anatomy Scan... great now what.  I would just like to say I have the most loving husband- who has tried the hardest to do his best in making this work.  But lets be honest ladies....they try to be Superman on Day 1..get burnt out... and they themselves wonder..when will this end. Thursday was pretty much a day of reading up on PP (placenta previa as I will now call it), and resting... all that worrying makes a poor girl tired!  Friday was up and I am not going to lie, as much as I thought I would read a book, I was pathetic TV all day and slept...oh and of course Google... (can I just say that I think Google has made people crazy...the amount of information you can find, in either which way is insane...yet I admit, I "Google" everything!)

Forgot to mention in my previous post....how did my job and boss take it.  Very supportive.  They have all been very understanding and cooperative with whats going on.... not bad for just being there 4 months...  The well being of me and my baby is whats important....I am grateful for that.

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